SLDP Group Projects 2019
Learn about the amazing projects that our SLDP students did through our program! Their utilization of integrated skills from our essential leadership seminars resulted in several powerful campus-focused group projects.
The Agnitiative
The Ag-nitiative aimed to increase awareness about agriculture aspects about UC Davis, opting for a first-year seminar for a quarter-long crash course on topics, such as the history of agriculture in UC Davis, food insecurities, how agriculture affects other industries (i.e. technology and business). This team of Aggie Leaders made it their goal to increase awareness in various UC facilities like the Student Farm, in hopes of getting students interested in learning more and working with agriculture, but to also be an actual course available for any students who want to be "Ag-nitiated." The Ag-nitiative proposed to create an introductory seminar for a First-year and First-generation students focused to inspire student activism and agriculture. The purpose of this proposed seminar is to prompt UC Davis students to consider their role as individuals, scholars, academics, professionals in relation to agriculture and the environment. They believe that by invigorating a student’s introduction to a research university campus with a holistic overview of Davis’ historical origins, current development, and future orientation, they might be able to produce more self-aware and environmentally conscious Aggies and bring UC Davis great acclaim!

Seed the Good
"Seed the Good" consists of three student leaders that created a two-part project that focuses on mental health wellness and mindfulness. This leadership team's goal is to empower students to achieve proper self-care and mental well-being. The first part of Seed the Good's project is a Facebook called "To My Younger Self." The aim of this Facebook page is to create a dialogue within UC Davis Aggies through shared passions and struggles. The Facebook highlights stories and advice in order to help students understand one another. The 2nd part of their project is the affirmation jars. This creative idea are jars filled with positive and mindful messages that anyone can pick and take with them as they go through their day. Seed the Good hopes that these affirmation jars enlighten and encourage students to be hopeful and stay focus on their academic career and personal goals. These jars have been allocated throughout the campus and some of those places are the ARC, the CCC, the MU, and the Service Center of all 3 dorms. Check out their Facebook Link page below, this team is planting a seed of good to our community!

To My Younger Self Facebook Page

The Producers
The Producers is a team of three students who strives to increase student involvement in UC Davis campus groups and organizations. Through an advocacy campaign from the previously existing club known as "AggieLife" and emailing 800+ clubs, as well as meeting with the director of the Center of Student Involvement, and flyering in student dorms, The Producers team assisted students to find communities that give them a sense of belonging, professional presence, and volunteering opportunities. The purpose of their project is to create a central platform for students to use and have each page of club resources updated with useful information such as, meeting times, pictures, descriptions of the club, and contact information. Team member, Sonal Patel says, "We wanted to make it easier for new students to quickly find and get involved in campus organizations."

Team Calm
Team Calm's objective is to raise awareness for self-care and mental health by promoting better mental health strategies and resources across the UC Davis campus. This thoughtful team of leaders advocated for installing more sleeping pods and hammocks on campus, posted flyers about the best places for power naps, and shared mindfulness tips to help the campus community take time to distress. Their main goal is to provide a safe place for fellow Aggies to rest and recuperate. Team Calm hopes their project increases the initiative for Aggies to care for themselves by knowing when their body and mind needs to rest, and where on campus Aggies can get a good power nap using the "UC Davis Nap Map" guide!

Aggie Winners (EBM)
Aggie Winners aimed to advocate peer counseling on a student level. By researching the previous history of peer counseling at UC Davis, they were able to interview key stakeholders about the need for peer counseling on campus. They connected with student organizations and CAN counseling network to further develop an advocacy campaign that students in the future may utilize. Their project called “Peer Counseling/Educator Certification," advocates for peer counseling and educator services with a target population of the entire college students at UC Davis. The focus of the project is on peer related topics such as relationship building or self-esteem. The goal of this project was to find an estimate of the climate of the UC Davis staff and administrators surroundings, and bring back the Peer to Peer counselling program back to UC Davis. The team interviewed former peer counselor at the HOUSE to find out why was the program shut down. Then they conducted a few meetings with administrating staff on campus. After seeing support from different organizations, such as, Transfer and Reentry Center and Veteran Center, they planned to write a report addressing different concerns that should be taken care of for bringing back the Peer to Peer Educators Program.

Grocery Girls
In hopes of resolving issues of food insecurity in at UC Davis, The Grocery Girls created an online resource called "The Davis Food Hub", with a Facebook page of the same name, in order to fight against food insecurity in the Davis community. The purpose of the Davis Food Hub was to raise awareness about food insecurities that many students and individuals in the Davis Community face on a daily basis. Many of the Davis community members including a significant number of undergraduates struggle to have the resources, whether knowledge, accessibility or financial, to get daily nutritious meals. The website consisted of a one-stop shop for resources: what is EBT and who is eligible, where in Davis is EBT accepted, what are other resources to get healthy food, volunteering/donating opportunities to give to those who need assistance, and affordable and healthy recipes to get people started. The Facebook then included various tutorials and also a platform for community members to get involved and share their resources from local grocery store deals to their own recipes. The Grocery Girls hope that these resources allow people to become more aware of the problem of food insecurity faced in the Davis community and how they can help themselves or help others through support and community collaboration.