Third Session Options (2:30 - 4:00pm)
During the final block of sessions, participants decide whether to attend two of the Education Sessions or one of the Workshops.
Education Sessions
Quick and focused sessions addressing one core principle or concept
Pick one of the listed 2:30-3:10 pm options and one of the 3:20-4:00 pm options
2:30-3:10 pm
- Feedback Loop: Use Feedback to Create Positive Change – Ballroom C
- Have you ever received a piece of feedback that you disagreed with or did not know how to apply it? Have you had suggestions you wanted to share with a member of your student org, co-worker, or partner but did not know how to share it? This session is for you! Feedback is an important step in the process of personal and professional growth and change. As a leader, you will need to help those around you grow and be open to hearing how your leadership style impacts others. It can be hard to receive constructive criticism and you might not feel comfortable providing feedback to others. Through group discussions, role playing, and videos, you will learn strategies for giving and receiving feedback in a mindful, transparent, and truthful manner.
Facilitators: Jennifer Doan, UCD Biology Academic Success Center;
Jaime Allen, UCD Cal Aggie Alumni Association - Cope, Survive, and Thrive Amidst Change – Ballroom B
- If there's one thing that's inevitable in life, it's change. Major life changes can be stressful and while we cannot always control what happens, we can begin to have more control over our reactions to what happens. This workshop will equip participants with strategies to navigate change and focus on personal well-being. Topics of discussion will include growth mindset, resilience, self-care, and mindfulness. The goal is to provide you with coping strategies to navigate change and become your best you.
Facilitator: Brenda Estrada, UCD Internship and Career Center
3:20-4:00 pm
- Refl-Action: Seeking Inner Transparency to Incite Change – Ballroom C
- In this education session, participants will explore the benefits of and obstacles that prevent frequent reflection. Participants will identify questions and techniques that best fit their own personal style of reflection that sparks deep contemplation. Participants will also have an opportunity to apply an effective model for reflection that can be used to learn from and act on multiple experiences throughout their lives.
Facilitator: Alejandro Chan-Artiga, UCD Graduate Student - School of Education - Defining Leadership Skills for a Global Environment – Ballroom B
- In this current time of constant change, students can use Meyer's Culture Scales, a tool comprised of 8 characteristics of leadership (including communication, persuasion, decision-making, and others) to identify their own personal leadership styles and consider cultural differences in different environments. This tool will help you to further develop self-awareness and leadership skills for a globally connected world.
Facilitators: Janice Tse, UCD Global Affairs
Ellen Kasakov, UCD Global Affairs
In-depth session incorporating applied practice or multi-faceted or transformative activities
Attend one of the following options from 2:30-4:00 pm
- Ain’t I A Woman: A Dialogue for Womxn/Femmes of Color – Ballroom A
- In order to be fully engaged as leaders who work to create change, we must first engage with ourselves and embrace the opportunities we have to do the self work. This dialogue-based session will highlight the specific challenges that womxn of color deal with while being leaders. Through interactive dialogue, storytelling, and reflective activities, we will explore strategies for navigating some of these particular challenges, with particular emphasis on imposter syndrome, boundary setting as a leader, and creating space for self-care. Participants will have opportunities to learn from one another, along with the facilitators of the session. This session should particularly benefit womxn/femmes of color. We ask that this be a closed space for folx who identify as womxn and/or femmes of color.
Facilitators: Sara Blair-Medeiros, UCD Women's Resources and Research Center;
Cecily Nelson-Alford, UCD Women's Resources and Research Center - Dismantling Imposter Syndrome and Realizing Your Potential – Conference Room B
- Often, the most important and empowering change comes from within. Imposter syndrome is a toxic mindset that causes us to question the validity of our success and devalue our own accomplishments. Despite the fact that an estimated 70% of people experience this phenomenon, imposter syndrome causes us to feel as if we are isolated from our peers. This interactive workshop will discuss the different components and causes of imposter syndrome as well as the methods of how to address it. Utilizing a socially conscious and mindful approach, students will comprehend how their identities and experiences contribute to their imposter syndrome and use their newly learned skills to leverage their leadership instead of holding them back.
Facilitators: Trent Capurso, UCD Alumn; CSU Sacramento Graduate Student – History;
Nina Capurso, UC Berkeley Undergraduate Student - Sociology and Ethnic Studies - All Ideas on the Table – Conference Room A
- How many times have you quashed an idea before sharing it? Sharing and exploring ideas is a vulnerable experience. But in the midst of change, innovation is a must. This workshop will allow participants to explore strategies for leading innovation and for supporting it from any position in a group.
Facilitator: Jacob Croasdale - UC Merced Margo F. Souza Student Leadership
After the Third Session, attendees are encouraged to enjoy a provided snack and reflect on their day with social media and one another from 4:00pm – 4:15pm.
At 4:15, everyone will reconvene together in the Ballroom for the Afternoon Plenary, Closing Remarks, completion of Evaluations, and Raffle Prizes. T-shirts will be passed out after this final session in the Conference Center Lobby.