The Center for Leadership Learning (CLL) guides your leadership journey through programs and services such as quarterly workshops, certificate programs, special events, and leadership coaching. The CLL's programs and services are open to all UC Davis undergraduate students and are free of charge. Undergraduates from all majors, class levels, degrees of leadership and professional experience are welcome to participate. The CLL embraces all students who wish to enhance their personal and professional lives!
Center for Leadership Learning is a unit of the Office of Undergraduate Education.
Quarterly Workshops
CLL Workshops cover a variety of topics related to leadership and professional development. These workshops encourage an environment for students to network with peers and experiment with new ideas. Workshops can fill up quickly, so please plan on arriving five minutes early to secure your seat.

Certificate Programs
CLL offers two certificate programs focusing on leadership and diversity. Each program has its own set of requirements and completion timeframe. Students who successfully complete program requirements are eligible for a certificate of completion which is signed by the Chancellor and other campus executives.
The CLL hosts special events throughout the year to foster leadership in multiple contexts. We host an annual conference in winter quarter and facilitate networking through community building events. We also provide special extended training for student groups or departments interested in expanding their leadership development training.
Leadership Coaching
CLL staff are available for one-on-one guidance to help you in your development as a leader. Coaching sessions can help you explore your leadership style and expand your leadership capacity. We can also help you identify opportunities to practice your leadership skills, chart a professional development plan, and more!