First Session Options: ALW 2020

First Session Options (11:05am - 12:35pm)

During the first block of sessions, participants decide whether to attend two of the Education Sessions or one of the Workshops.


Education Sessions

Quick and focused sessions addressing one core principle or concept
Pick one of the listed 11:05-11:45 am options and one of the 11:55-12:35 pm options

11:05-11:45 am
  • How to view Change as an Opportunity for Growth - Ballroom C
  • Change can be uncomfortable and sometimes scary but that doesn't make it a bad thing. Life is full of change, from transitioning to college to a career or future education after graduation. By shifting your mindset about change and viewing it as an opportunity for growth, you open yourself up to new possibilities. In this session participants will learn about different types of change and how to approach change as an opportunity for growth and self-improvement. Participants will be given the chance to practice what we discuss and will walk away from the session with knowledge of how to manage difficult situations relating to change in the future.
    Facilitator:  Alex Coffman, UCD Alumn
  • Insta Social - Ballroom B
  • There are about 500 million people using Instagram each day, which means there is always an opportunity to make an impact on the platform. Explore how strategic social media strategies can incite change within your own organization and attract the attention of an array of Instagram users.
    Facilitator:  Kathleen Hinkson, UCD Center for Student Involvement
11:55 am-12:35 pm
  • Leaders of Color: Shifting the Paradigm - Ballroom C
  • The purpose of our presentation is to give students of color a space to address issues they face in leadership positions amidst societal and political changes, take pride in their successes, and provide them with information on how to access support. The format will be a facilitated open dialogue that allows students to talk about their own experiences, listen to other students' experiences, and see that they are not alone in the challenges that they face in leadership positions. The students can talk about how they overcome obstacles and help other students solve similar problems. Finally, students will reflect on their personal realities of being both a person of color and a leader while developing a better understanding of what it means to be a leader of color
    Facilitators:  Cayley Chan, UCD Center for Student Involvement; Undergraduate Student - Environmental Policy and Political Science
                         Eman Moore, UCD Center for Student Involvement; Undergraduate Student - Dance and Theater
  • Building Bridges: Working with Challenging Peers - Ballroom B
  • Student leaders are often faced with change throughout their engaged collegiate life. Sometimes these changes are positive and sometimes they may cause friction. In this presentation, we will examine change from a personnel lens through the integration of new student leaders in an organization and new student assistants in a workplace. This interactive session provides strategies on how to build bridges between returning and new student leaders/assistants, specifically those whose interests do not align with the organizations mission and values. Participants will learn how to navigate difficult conversations, maintain professionalism, and support students within university guidelines. 
    Facilitators: Kristopher Disharoon, Cal State East Bay Associated Students, Inc.
                        Juan Blanco, Sierra College



In-depth session incorporating applied practice or multi-faceted or transformative activities
Attend one of the following options from 11:05 am-12:35 pm

  • What's Next? Embracing Change with Happenstance Theory - Ballroom A
  • The world of work is more dynamic than ever and the skills of adaptability, curiosity, and resilience are essential in order to enter our constantly changing economy. In this session, traditional thinking about a linear career planning process will be challenged and participants will be introduced to Happenstance Learning Theory (HLT), a framework to use as you navigate your academic and career exploration. Participants will identify how embracing the key concepts of HLT will leave you better equipped to positively reframe uncertainty and embrace change in your life with optimism instead of anxiety.
    Facilitator:  Kelli Sholer, UCD Sociology and Anthropology
  • Navigating Unexpected Change and Practical Self-Care - Conference Room B
  • Change in the life of UC Davis students is inevitable--but what can we do to make sure unexpected change doesn't throw us completely off-balance? We would like to talk about our experiences of unexpected change, what behavioral responses come from change, and which strategies professionals recommend to manage your mental/emotional well-being after an unexpected change has occurred.
    Facilitators:  Gil Vitro, UCD Undergraduate Student - Anthropology and English
                         Kristin Dees, UCD Center for Student Involvement
  • You Don't Know Me: Culture-Based Leadership for Change - Conference Room A
  • Research suggests that our cultural identity influences our leadership development. Therefore, we cannot achieve our full leadership potential without first considering how our ethnic identity may impact our leadership, and specifically how we lead through change. This workshop provides an overview of 9 research-based Cultural Dimensions that may affect our leadership. We will then explore how the power of personal storytelling can be used with each of the 9 Dimensions in order to ignite change within an organization.
    Jess Evora, UC Merced Margo F. Souza Student Leadership Center

After the First Session, attendees are encouraged to enjoy the provided lunch and network with one another from 12:35pm – 1:20pm.  The Second Session will begin at 1:20 pm.

 Second Session Block Options