Stacy Shwartz Olagundoye contributes broad experience as a researcher, consultant, and former program director in community engaged scholarship and organizational programming on behalf of children, families, and communities facing vulnerable circumstances. Stacy desires to be a part of change-systems that illuminate solutions and foster hope, and enjoys engaging change-makers to help advance equity, justice, and community well-being.
Stacy completed a master’s degree in community development at UC Davis, and has worked as a research analyst with the UC Davis Center for Regional Change on projects including a 3-year evaluative study on chronic absenteeism in the Sacramento City Unified School District, and a state-wide study with a national youth organization on Latino youth engagement. Prior to UC Davis, Stacy served as a youth development consultant, trainer, and program director by partnering with young adults and youth practitioners to strengthen the field of out-of-school-time programming, and deliver unique, youth-relevant programs with a focus on arts education, literacy, and self-esteem. Her work has been published by the UC Davis Center for Regional Change, Relational Child and Youth Care Practice, and the 4-H Center for Youth Development, and her original curriculum has been implemented across youth-serving organizations throughout Northern California.
As a collaborator and advocate, Stacy additionally brings editing expertise, as well as a 20-year performing and literary arts background, as a lifetime devotee of writing and performative art.