Support UC Davis in the Collegiate Leadership Competition
The Center for Leadership Learning is proud to sponsor a team, in partnership with the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, to represent UC Davis in the 2019 Collegiate Leadership Competition!
The Collegiate Leadership Competition is a nonprofit college leadership program that encourages students with a passion for leadership to cultivate skills in preparation for the workplace. The competition provides an interactive space for teams of young leaders to apply their learned leadership knowledge, skills, and abilities in experiential activities. Each team undergoes weekly training involving activities based on real life settings to allow teams to put their knowledge to action and prepare for the format of the competition.
CLL Director, Christie Navarro, and College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Student Leadership Program Coordinator, Corrine Hawes, serve as the leadership coaches for the 2019 team. According to leadership coach Hawes, weekly training and practice sessions for the UC Davis CLC team began in January and the team is already making great strides.
“To bring together a group of six individuals who did not know each other prior, to build a foundation, quick learn, retain a ton of leadership concepts/terms, and engage in practice sessions has been quite a task,” said Hawes. “To volunteer their time to this competition and their own development is great to see because I know it is difficult to balance the competing responsibilities of being a college student.”
Leadership coach Navarro also recognizes the drive and dedication of the team. “I am impressed with the students’ commitment and motivation to learn,” said Navarro. “It has been exciting to watch them come together as a team and collectively tackle weekly practice challenges.”
With the competition approaching in early April, the team is working hard to learn all of the leadership fundamentals that the CLC is founded upon.
“My hope is that our team not only performs well at the competition, but also sees the applicability of what they have learned to other areas of their lives” said Navarro.
The Collegiate Leadership Competition is on April 5-6 at John Carroll University in Cleveland, Ohio. To follow along with the UC Davis team’s progress, follow the CLL on instagram, @ucdaviscll.