Meet the 2019 ALW! Conference Keynote Speaker
The Center for Leadership Learning is excited to welcome Alejandro Covarrubias as the Keynote Speaker for the Aggies Lead the Way! 2019 Undergraduate Leadership Conference.
Alejandro Covarrubias has served as a leader in student affairs on campuses throughout the country for more than a decade. He has six years of experience working for the University of San Francisco’s Cultural Centers, with two as a co-director of the center. As a social justice and equity consultant for eight years, he endeavored to discourage the marginalization of specific communities at higher education institutions such as the University of California, Berkeley, San Jose State University, Northwestern University, and Colorado State University.
Covarrubias brought his passion for equity and inclusion to other campuses through his Next Generation Faculty position at the Social Justice Training Institute, a training of higher education professionals to increase their knowledge of multicultural competencies and institute greater inclusion on their campuses. Says Covarrubias, “We on the individual and institutional levels must explore how the dynamics of power, privilege, and oppression manifest on campus and differentially marginalize specific communities while advantaging others.”
Covarrubias attained his EdD in international and multicultural education with an emphasis in human rights education at the University of San Francisco. He focuses his research around men’s participation in sexual violence prevention education, applying a social justice framework to examine experiences of men of color in higher education, and exploring different methods of research with marginalized communities on higher education campuses.
Davis undergraduate students have the unique opportunity to learn about how Covarrubias has discovered, built, and shared his own leadership at the Aggies Lead the Way! 2019 Undergraduate Leadership Conference on February 9, 2019. His keynote address focuses on demystifying the societal limitations of who is considered a leader in order to illuminate that everyone has the ability to embody the ideals of leadership. Davis students are not going to want to miss this exciting annual event. Registration for the conference is open until January 17, 2019!