Navigating available leadership and professional development resources can be a little overwhelming, but we tailor a variety of services to suit your needs and interests. Don't wait until tomorrow to let us guide your CLL participation! Below is a list of suggestions to help you launch your leadership journey:
Make an Appointment
Curious about what the CLL can do for you? Do you have questions about our workshops or certificate programs? Email us!
Start Attending Workshops
Leadership is broad and the idea of leadership can be daunting to some, but contrary to popular belief leadership is a quality that CAN be learned! CLL can help guide your focus and interests in leadership learning with a variety of workshops that focus on leadership learning and professional development.
Enroll In A Certificate Program
Through our programs we work closer with you to facilitate a deeper learning of what leadership is, and how leadership applies to you in everyday life.
Check Out An Event!
CLL offers a variety of special events throughout the academic year. Keep up to date on what's in store for you at our events page.