Conference Sessions 2020

2020 Overview of Conference Sessions

Types of Offered Sessions

  • Education Sessions – Quick and focused sessions addressing one core principle or concept, 40-60 min
  • Workshops – In-depth session incorporating applied practice or multi-faceted or transformative activities, 90 min
  • Leadership Speaks Sessions – Brief sessions where presenters will share their story of leadership and change in a prepared Ted Talk-style format; Q&A or conversation will follow as time allows, 25 min

Following the all-attendee Conference Welcome, a variety of different types of sessions and topics related to the conference theme of “Change” are offered for attendees to select from throughout the day. 

​​​​Visit the links below to review and plan which session(s) you'd like to attend for each of the three session timeframes:

First Session Block, 11:05-12:35 pm

  • During the first set of sessions, attendees decide whether to attend two of the offered Education Sessions, or one of the offered Workshops.

    First Session Block Options

After the First Session, attendees are encouraged to enjoy the provided lunch and network with one another from 12:35pm – 1:20pm.

Second Session Block, 1:20-2:20 pm

  • During the middle, briefer, set of sessions, participants decide whether to attend two of the offered Leadership Speaks presentations, or one of the offered Education Sessions.

    Second Session Block Options

Following the Second Session, attendees will transition directly into the Third Session.

Third Session Block, 2:30-4:00 pm

  • During the final set of sessions, attendees again decide whether to attend two of the offered Education Sessions, or one of the offered Workshops.

    Third Session Block Options

After the Third Session, attendees are encouraged to enjoy a provided snack and reflect on their day with social media and one another from 4:00pm – 4:15pm. 

At 4:15, everyone will reconvene together in the Ballroom for the Afternoon Plenary, Closing Remarks, completion of Evaluations, and Raffle Prizes.  T-shirts will be passed out after this final session in the Conference Center Lobby.